The Pasadena Ice Skating Center offers a variety of group lessons for all ages and ability levels. Each class is a step-by-step progression that develops each skater as they improve their skating skills. Skaters must successfully complete the current level before they can graduate to the next class level.
There is something for everyone in our skating school group class program. The Pasadena Ice Skating Center have figure skating and hockey classes from beginner to advanced levels for tot skaters (ages 3 to 5), youth skaters (ages 6 to 14 years), and teen and adult skaters of all ages.
The Pasadena Ice Skating Center offer several specialty classes such as: synchronized skating teams, edge and power skating, and spin class.
Class Benefits
- 30-minute group class (one per week)
- Free public skating on class day
- 4 additional public session admissions (2 admissions for five week classes)
- 10% off Pro Shop merchandise
- $2 off public skating admission
April 30 – June 29, 2025
Priority Registration Opens 4/3 (for skaters enrolled in our current semester)
Open Registration 4/10
July 9 -September 7, 2025
Priority Registration Opens 6/12 (for skaters enrolled in our current semester)
Open Registration 6/19
5-Week Beginner
May 29 – June 29, 2025
Registration opens May 15
August 7 – September 7, 2025
Registration opens July 24
Our group classes typically follow this weekly instruction plan:
A child who can walk well can be taught to ice skate. Very young children usually learn better in a group class environment. These classes are designed for beginning skaters ages three to five years old. Class maneuvers are broken down into smaller parts so they can be more easily learned. Instruction is given with a focus of having “fun” on the ice.
Marching in Standing Position
Safety Position
Marching While Moving
2-Foot Jump
Forward Swizzle (Standing Still)
Forward Swizzle
Marching While Moving
2-Foot Glide
2-Foot Jump
Push and Glide Stroking
Scooter Pushes
1-Foot Glide (Left & Right)
Forward Swizzle 3x
Preparation for Snowplow Stop
Dip While Moving
2-Foot Glide (Distance of Height)
1-Foot Glides, Left & Right (Distance of Height)
Forward Swizzles 6x
Backward Swizzles 6x
Backward Wiggles
Forward Stroking
Pumps on a Circle
Forward Crossovers (both directions)
2-Ft Spin
Snowplow Stop
These basic skill levels are for skaters of all ages. This step-by-step progression of skills makes learning fun while improving the skater’s confidence on ice. The mastery of these basic skills is required before moving on to higher levels of achievement and it can take more than one semester to pass each class level.
One-Foot Glide (Right & Left)
Forward Swizzles
Backward Wiggles
Backward Swizzles
Forward Crossovers – Right over Left
Forward Crossovers – Left over Right
One-Foot Snowplow Stop
Backward Crossovers – Right over Left
Backward Crossovers – Left over Right
T-Stop – Right and Left
Left Forward Outside 3-Turn (One Foot Turn)
Right Forward Inside Open Mohawk Combination
Left Forward Inside Open Mohawk Combination
Hockey Stop
Left Forward Inside 3-Turn (One Foot Turn)
Forward Edges – Forward Outside and Inside Consecutive Edges
Shoot-the- Duck or Lunge (choice of one)
Bunny Hop
After mastering the basic skills, skaters can begin freestyle level classes. In addition to freestyle classes, the Pasadena Ice Skating Center also offers specialty Classes such as: power stroking, synchronized skating, edge class, acting on ice, ice dancing, choreography class, and spin class.
The maneuver list below highlights the various requirements for each class level. Advancement to the next class is based upon the skater’s mastery of the skills, and it can take more than one semester to pass each class level.
Two-Foot Spin
Forward Spiral
Backward Edges – Backward Outside and Inside Edges
One-Half Flip
Waltz Jump
One-Half Lutz
One-Foot Spin
Waltz Jump/Tap Toe/½ Flip Jump
2 x Forward Spirals on a edge
Dance Step Sequence
Salchow Jump
Toe Loop Jump or Toe Walley Jump
Change Foot Spin
Backward Spiral
Dance Step Sequence
Loop Jump
One-Half Loop Jump
Sit Spin
2 x Backward Spirals (different feet)
Dance Step Sequence
Axel Jump
Camel Spin
Combination Spin
Fast Back Scratch Spin
What should I wear to class?
Wear warm, comfortable clothing and a jacket. Socks and gloves are great – especially for smaller kids.
What if I miss a class?
Students are allowed a maximum of 2 make-up lessons that must be attended during the current semester. Make-up classes do not carry over into future semesters and no credit or refund is given for unused/missed classes or practice sessions. There are no make-up classes available for some hockey and specialty classes.
How can I receive a class discount?
- The Pasadena Ice Skating Center have various on-going “Deals and Discounts” for our group class lesson program.
(Register within early registration period)
(Show proof of Pasadena residency)
(Must be a platinum member of the Pasadena Ice Skating Center)
Do you charge any additional class fees?
Class Card – Upon enrollment, skaters will be given a class card that must be used for check-in with rink staff on class day and during practice sessions. There is a $20 replacement fee for class cards (limit one replacement per semester)
Skate Rental – The Pasadena Ice Skating Center offers complimentary skate rental for all classes during the semester.
How do I cancel a class and request a credit or refund?
To request any credit or refund for a nine or ten week class, a Refund Request Form must be received by the fifth week of the current class semester. For a five-week class, the form must be received before the third class.
- Credit/refunds will be calculated based on the date on the Refund Request Form.
- Credit will be issued for the remaining classes and can be used for a future semester.
- Refunds are issued only by company check regardless of payment method and can take four to six weeks to process. There is a $25 administration fee for each refund request that will be deducted from the remaining balance due.
The Pasadena Ice Skating Center coaches conduct private skating and hockey lessons for skaters of all ages and ability levels. Private lessons, along with regular practice, can quickly improve individual skating skills. The Pasadena Ice Skating Center’s independent contractor coaches manage their own lesson schedule and use our facility to teach their lessons. There are two ways to set-up a private lesson:
- Observe and meet the coach at the rink to discuss lesson options and schedules.
- Fill-out a “Private Lesson Request Form” in the pro shop and an available coach will be in touch.
- Lesson fees are paid directly to the coach.
- Session admission fee must be paid to the rink for each public and/or freestyle session.
- Skaters currently enrolled in a skating school group class can arrange a private lesson on their class day or during their free practice session to avoid additional admission fee charges.